The K-31 is a very interesting design.
The Karabiner Model 1931 (K31) is a magazine-fed, straight-pull bolt-action rifle. It was the standard issue rifle of the Swiss armed forces from 1933 until 1958, though examples remained in service into the 1970s. It has a 6-round removable magazine, and is chambered for the 7.5x55mm Swiss (also known as Gewehrpatrone 1911, GP11, or unofficially 7.5x55mm Schmidt Rubin), a cartridge with ballistic qualities similar to the .308 Winchester cartridge. Each rifle included a 6 round detachable box magazine with matching engraved serial number. A stripper clip loads the magazine from the top of the receiver.
My nephew actually found the Swiss citizen name slip. He has been trying to figure out how to find the guy or his heirs. Cool stuff.
--It's the straight pull back bolt that I find interesting.
He bubbha-ized a good milsurp gun.
Old and busted to new and sweet! Good on him.
He could Google the name and address, Swiss people don't tend to move around a lot, what with the cost and value of real-estate there.
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