My First Car

So it goes around like wildfire. I will jump on this bandwagon.

My first car was a 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger.

I loved that car. I paid $400 for it. I put another 60,000 miles on it and sold it for $400. The best car deal I ever had. The seats in it were like sofas. Excellent car for teenage making out.

I bought the car from a woman that could not drive anymore because she discovered she had Narcolepsy. The sleep seizure disorder. Very scary thing if it were to happen while driving.

I have often thought I would find and restore one again. It had a straight six motor that only had like six parts.

--Even I could work on that car!


ASM826 said...

I always like the Dart with the 225 slant 6. A bombproof engine.

I started this meme, and have been trying to read as many of the bloggers who played as I can find.

JB Miller said...

It was a fun one.

Anonymous said...

I had a 68 doge dart gt...same slant 6 engine. Great memories in that car, My mom still has her 63 dart convertible with the slant 6 and push button transmission on the left side of the dash.

I hope to restore it someday needs some work, but the body has never been in a wreck and the motor just needs some minor repairs and tune ups. I mainly needs a new top and paint all over.

Erwin Calverley said...

That's a cool vintage car. Are there any cars like that left? How much do you think would it cost?

Erwin Calverley

Tyra Shortino said...

Oh, I wish you still had that car so you can restore it and bring it to a car show! I’m pretty sure it would win over a good number of spectators and catch the attention of a few cameras as well. Well, I hope you can find one. Good luck!

Nicole said...

I agree with Tyra! You could have sold it for more than $1000 if you had it revamped and sent to a car show. Many car owners nowadays, especially those who own vintage cars, are investing their money on cars like these and then selling them for about thrice the amount of its original price in the used car market.

Nicole Vickers