The Blog will be dark for a while.
My brother died suddenly yesterday. He was only 53. He was 18 months older than me. He was my friend.
I'll miss you, Bro.
JRC Project Update
I seem to be having multiple projects out on the bench, at the same time, this weekend.
My grips arrived on Friday. I love the rubber texture of the matching grip set. The pistol grip is far superior than the cheap plastic original one. You can see the original one here.
The foregrip also functions in multiple different positions. It makes it very comfy in different settings. I put a Tactical Light/LASER unit on it but I am not all that happy with it.It will probably be removed/replaced in no time. I also ordered some Magpul flip up sights but only the back one has arrived so far.
Here's what left for the JRC Project:
My grips arrived on Friday. I love the rubber texture of the matching grip set. The pistol grip is far superior than the cheap plastic original one. You can see the original one here.
The foregrip also functions in multiple different positions. It makes it very comfy in different settings. I put a Tactical Light/LASER unit on it but I am not all that happy with it.It will probably be removed/replaced in no time. I also ordered some Magpul flip up sights but only the back one has arrived so far.
Here's what left for the JRC Project:
- EOTech Sight
- An Excellent Sling
- Thread the Barrel
--Plus a pile of more mags, maybe a hot green LASER, and an LED light.
Tec-22 Project
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Intratec Tec-22 |
It has very simple architecture and I quickly discovered the single broken part and the fact that a tiny spring is missing.
Enter my Google-Fu.
In short order I found a ton of references to this specific failure on this model, of the Tec-22. There were detailed descriptions of this specific version of the original, pre-ban version.
Here is the order of project events:
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Photoshopped rendition of possible mods |
- Firing pin repair and tests
- Order a suppressor
- Picitinny rail installs
- LASER install
- Sling selection and install
- Let the can chasing begin!
Exact parts have been ordered and I will be able to replace them without the need of a gun smith.
--If the repairs work the next step will be a to order a suppressor. This will be fun.
Forbes Even Thinks We're Winning
Disarming the Myths Promoted By the Gun Control Lobby
Here is a a sweet nugget:
"Caroline Brewer of the anti-gun Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence has reported that “The research we’ve seen indicates fewer and fewer people owning more and more guns.” Yet one can only wonder where they are getting that information. In reality, public support for personal gun ownership is growing."
--Go and read it.
Honest Gun Owners Meme
My friend Nancy tagged me in the latest gun meme.
"I will write down 5 things that indicate, to me, that a gun owner or shooter maybe is an honest one; I say 'maybe' because I have known some seemingly honest gun owners to tell some really tall tales. Then I will tag 5 other gun owners who are also bloggers and I hope each will play along, each listing, in their blogs, at least 3 things that are indicative a gun owner is an honest one, then sending the challenge of this meme on to 5 other gun owner who are also bloggers."
Here's what I've got:
- They never talk about "Big Boy Rules".
- They talk about a drawer full of holsters they almost never use.
- They talk about some of their guns like tools, some like heirlooms, and some like art.
- They will talk about their failures as easily as their triumphs.
- They treat waitresses with the same respect as their kids school principle.
Now for my tags:
- Breda - Yes, that Breda!
- TBolt - The New Jovian Thundarbolt
- Laura - Inserting a Witty Meme Here
- Murphy - Lagniappe is gone now, but his memory lives on.
- Agirlandhergun - A Girl and Her Gun Meme
--This list is about being honest. We need one about being safe and/or competent.
My New iPhone
I got my first iPhone this week.
Every time I turn around I find another cool thing, like the fact that it can plug directly into my range ear muffs so I can listen to music!
I remember reading on someones blog that there were cool iPhone apps for shooters.
Searching for them I found apps to help log competition scoring, inventory, log books and other small things.
I swear someone said there was an app that computed ballistic drop by caliber and distance.
Instead I found a ton of cool Zombie apps.Including Zombie Booth, a zombie creator tool.
--Going to have to use it to make some targets for the range!!
Every time I turn around I find another cool thing, like the fact that it can plug directly into my range ear muffs so I can listen to music!
I remember reading on someones blog that there were cool iPhone apps for shooters.
Searching for them I found apps to help log competition scoring, inventory, log books and other small things.
I swear someone said there was an app that computed ballistic drop by caliber and distance.
Instead I found a ton of cool Zombie apps.Including Zombie Booth, a zombie creator tool.
--Going to have to use it to make some targets for the range!!
Ready to be signed
Today, after their passage in the House, three more pro-gun bills will now be sent to Governor Bob McDonnell for his approval:
Senate Bill 67, sponsored by state Senator Bill Stanley (R-20), would remove the option for a locality to require an applicant for a concealed handgun permit to submit fingerprints with the application. This legislation was passed in the House of Delegates by a 72 to 24 vote.
Senate Bill 323, drafted by the NRA and sponsored by state Senator Bill Carrico (R-40), would repeal the prohibition on law-abiding citizens buying more than one handgun within a thirty-day period. Anti-gun opponents have long claimed that gun rationing keeps handguns out of the hands of criminals, but history has shown this law to be ineffective, and to only affect and penalize law-abiding citizens. This legislation was passed by a 64 to 32 vote. SB 323, is the companion Bill to House Bill 940, which was previously passed by both chambers and has been sent to the Governor for his approval.
Senate Bill 563, sponsored by state Senator Frank Ruff (R-15), would alter certain application procedures to obtain a concealed handgun permit, including allowing for the submission of an initial application via U.S. mail. This bill would also restrict the clerk and the circuit court from requesting or requiring any information from an applicant other than that which is allowed on the concealed handgun permit application. This legislation was passed in the House of Delegates by a 79 to 20 vote.
--God I love Virginia.
I had plans and went to the range two days later my with my Glock 21 and my 1911. Both .45s.
I started with my Glock 21. I could not close my finger all the way around the grip. My shot brought tears to my eyes even though it was almost a bulls eye.
The rest of my shots were all over the place. Anticipation of the pain was destroying my shots. I only managed about 10 shots with that hand. I didn't bother trying the 1911 right handed.
--I spent the rest of the session shooting lefty. Good practice.
Flip Up Sights
I am currently shopping around for some flip up sights for the JR Carbine.
It has a nice long throw flat top so I will be able to get some distance between the front and back.
The current leading contender is this simple set of Magpul sights. You can see imprinted in the sight the peep pattern that it will have.
The price is medium at about $100 for the set from but I would like to see them first.
I am sure they are fine. Gots any insights? Recommendations?
--Plus I am a total Magpul whore.
It has a nice long throw flat top so I will be able to get some distance between the front and back.
The current leading contender is this simple set of Magpul sights. You can see imprinted in the sight the peep pattern that it will have.
The price is medium at about $100 for the set from but I would like to see them first.
I am sure they are fine. Gots any insights? Recommendations?
--Plus I am a total Magpul whore.
The JR Carbine
I purchased the JR Carbine at Nations Gun Show. The price was great: $549
I have now taken it to the range twice and ran a hundred rounds through it each time.
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JR Carbine - .45 ACP |
Here is the good stuff:
- The price point is excellent at $549
- It is easily, quickly, convertible to left hand eject
- The bolt handle can be on the left or right
- Controls are familiar and easy
- The internals are simple, I like simple
- The components exceed my expectations in quality
- My cheap $30 DOT scope did well
- I managed a free standing, 15 round, 10" group, at 50 yards, in 10 seconds
- It's .45 ACP! I could deer hunt with this baby
Here is the bad stuff:
- It came with only one 10 round Glock mag
- The single jam was using the 27 round mag
- When empty, the bolt does not stay open.
- It goes, "click" when empty. You have no sense it's empty
- To clean it requires 3 different tools plus cleaning gear
- 2 Alan wrenches
- An AR wrench
- You have to take the stock off in order to remove the bolt
- The Alan nuts rattle loose easily
- The bolt handle and lower Alan nuts are different sizes
- No storage in the hallow pistol grip. (for Alan Wrenches)
Even with all the negatives so far I must say I am loving this carbine. It has a little less recoil than the Beretta Cx4 .40 I have. I am very disappointed in the after market 27 round mags I bought. I need to find quality huge mags. I worry about how fast all the nuts work loose. maybe because it was so well oiled before shipping. We shall see how that plays out. I will withhold final judgement until the 500 round break-in is past. I am going to need another case of .45ACP!
I have purchased a suppressor for my Glock 21. I plan on threading this barrel the same. Not only will they be able to share mags they will be able to share the suppressor. I am so addicted to adjustable stocks!
So far it's a big thumbs up for the JR Carbine.
What are my future plans for the JRC?
- Flip-up Sights
- An EOTech scope
- A threaded barrel for my suppressor
- A good sling
- A quality hot green LASER
- High capacity mags
--Need to find a gunsmith for the barrel threading!!
Quotes of the Week
"Among the natural rights of the Colonists are these: First, a right to life; Secondly, to liberty; Thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can."
- Samuel Adams
"You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself"
- Jim Rohn
"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."
- Thomas Edison
Blog Shoot
I am off to the NRA Range this morning to meet some people, shoot some guns, socialize, tour the museum and eat some burgers!
--More later!
I just got home. It was another great day. I am posting this update from the new iPhone.
I will wait for the computer to do a proper job.
--More later!
I just got home. It was another great day. I am posting this update from the new iPhone.
I will wait for the computer to do a proper job.
2012 NRA HQ Blogshoot Tomorrow!
One Last reminder!
If you can't make the shoot, come for the museum tour and/or lunch! See you there!
Once again will meet there on a Saturday morning, shoot for an hour and then take a tour of the National Firearms Museum at the NRA HQ in Fairfax Virginia.
- DATE: February18th, 2012
- TIME: 7:30am or earlier.
- WHERE: NRA HQ Range in Fairfax VA
- WHO: You and people like you
- WHY: Because we are so damn pretty
You do NOT have to be an NRA member to use the range.
The NRA headquarters building is located at 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030.
--We will go to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch! It's only .7 miles away.
The Scorpion
I bought this firearm 25 years ago. It was very inexpensive and we had a lot of fun way back then chasing cans with this guy. it was a great plinker. I wish it was full auto. I could afford that!
It is an Intratec TEC 22 Scorpion. It uses Ruger 10/22 mags. The original TEC-22 variant featured a threaded barrel and a 25-round magazine. The barrel's threading is 1/2-20 and allows a barrel extension or other accessories to be attached. A small, knurled nut threads onto the barrel to protect the threading.
At the gun show last weekend I saw one that was fit with a suppressor. So I pulled this guy out of the safe. I have not shot this guy in many years because I could not find a gunsmith to fit the broken firing pin.
--I will take this by my new gun smith for a revisit!
Last weekend at the Nations Gun Show I bought the JR Carbine that I wanted.
I got the .45acp version that takes the Glock mags. I am putting together a post about the carbine now.
Today's post is about a jam I had with the JR. I had one jam in the first 100 rounds. Not bad. And it happened with a mag that was not an original Glock mag. I will post about that piece of crap later too.
The ejector didn't grab the round but the rifle fully cycled and hammered the next round right into the ass end of the previous round.
The spring in the bolt action is pretty stiff and as you can see in this photo it hammered the bullet back into the casing.
The jam was easy to clear. The ejector grabbed the shell on the next cycle and I found the round when I was cleaning up.
--I wonder if it would fire. I am so not trying it...
I got the .45acp version that takes the Glock mags. I am putting together a post about the carbine now.
Today's post is about a jam I had with the JR. I had one jam in the first 100 rounds. Not bad. And it happened with a mag that was not an original Glock mag. I will post about that piece of crap later too.
The ejector didn't grab the round but the rifle fully cycled and hammered the next round right into the ass end of the previous round.
The spring in the bolt action is pretty stiff and as you can see in this photo it hammered the bullet back into the casing.
The jam was easy to clear. The ejector grabbed the shell on the next cycle and I found the round when I was cleaning up.
--I wonder if it would fire. I am so not trying it...
So I am still waiting to get my paperwork back from the ATF for my new suppressor. I bought it Thanksgiving weekend in November. Still waiting.
In the mean time I found the American Silencer Association.
"The American Silencer Association (ASA) is a new non-profit, trade association whose mission is to further the pursuit of education, public relations, legislation, and hunting, law enforcement, and military applications for the silencer industry. The parent companies responsible for the incorporation of the ASA are Advanced Armament Corp., Gemtech, and Silencerco/SWR. While they are fierce competitors in the marketplace, all three companies recognize the necessity of creating a single voice to educate the public and to enhance their ability to advocate for silencer rights. To most effectively do so, the ASA will immediately seek to recruit all remaining silencer manufacturers, firearm manufacturers, and firearm dealers into the organization in order to represent the entire silencer industry with a single voice."
--Check out their website!
Doomsday Preppers
There is a new show on the National Geographic Channel called:
There is lots of gun content on the first couple episodes. Crappy OPSEC though.
I find it interesting that many of my friends are both shooters and preppers.
It's an interesting show that calls out a lot of what if scenarios.
--Why would someone be on this show? How the hell do they find people for the show?
There is lots of gun content on the first couple episodes. Crappy OPSEC though.
I find it interesting that many of my friends are both shooters and preppers.
It's an interesting show that calls out a lot of what if scenarios.
--Why would someone be on this show? How the hell do they find people for the show?
Quotes of the Week
"Plus, the sensory experience of target shooting-readying your stance, controlling your breath, focusing on the target—is so absorbing that I can’t indulge my free-floating worries. I can’t have a self-conscious intellectual reaction when firing a gun. It’s almost meditative. At one point I glimpse a woman in her sixties dressed in a white polo, creased khakis, and pristine white sneakers—attire for a day of golf at the country club; she’s brandishing a Glock. I have to stop myself from laughing with delight."
- Amanda Fortini
"A right is the sanction of independent action. A right is that which can be exercised without anyone’s permission. If you exist only because society permits you to exist—you have no right to your own life. A permission can be revoked at any time. If, before undertaking some action, you must obtain the permission of society—you are not free, whether such permission is granted to you or not. Only a slave acts on permission. A permission is not a right"
- Ayn Rand
2012 NRA HQ Blogshoot
We are one week away! Once again will meet there on a Saturday morning, shoot for an hour and then take a tour of the National Firearms Museum at the NRA HQ in Fairfax Virginia.
- DATE: February18th, 2012
- TIME: 7:30am or earlier.
- WHERE: NRA HQ Range in Fairfax VA
- WHO: You and people like you
- WHY: Because we are so damn pretty
You do NOT have to be an NRA member to use the range.
The NRA headquarters building is located at 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030.
--We will go to Ruby Tuesdays for lunch! It's only .7 miles away.
Emily got her gun!
Emily finally brought home her gun. Check it out!
"After months of aggravation, hundreds of dollars in fees, countless hours jumping over hurdles, I am now a gun owner and finally exercising my second amendment right to keep arms (bearing arms is still illegal in the nation’s capital)."
--This story isn't over yet.
Liebster Blog-o-Rama

Because he nominated me for this:
Like some sorta chain letter thing with blogs, the rules for receiving this reward require me to pay it forward with the following rules:
- Paste the image on our blog.
- Link back to the blogger who gave us the award.
- Pick our five favorite blogs with less than 200 followers, and leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have received the award.
- Hope that the five blogs chosen will keep spreading the love and pass it on to five more blogs.
- New Jovian Thunderbolt
- Insert Witty Title Here
- Black Sunday Society
- The Newbius Papers
- Another Gun Blog
--Thanks, Andy!
Super Bowl Sniper Nest
Do you remember the Movie "The Two Minute Warning".
The pics that hit the web this week of one of the Police Sniper Nests at the Superbowl are making the hippies nervous. The pics reminded me of the movie.
You have to know that there are probably at least three an maybe more.
The Super Bowl is considered to be a very high risk terrorist target.
Crowd is probably full of cops in plain clothes, as vendors, as media and maybe even dressed as... police.
--Enjoy the game. We'll cover you.
The pics that hit the web this week of one of the Police Sniper Nests at the Superbowl are making the hippies nervous. The pics reminded me of the movie.
You have to know that there are probably at least three an maybe more.
The Super Bowl is considered to be a very high risk terrorist target.
Crowd is probably full of cops in plain clothes, as vendors, as media and maybe even dressed as... police.
--Enjoy the game. We'll cover you.
Leather Treatment
I have my dads old holster that is all leather and western style.
It's drying out.
What is a good way to treat the leather to keep it from drying out? The internet has opinions that very as far as Mac vs PC or Glock vs 1911 or Beans vs No-Beans in chilli!!
--What do you guys recommend?
BuyCott and Starbucks
I never buy Starbucks coffee.
I will buy some today while carrying my gun.
--Thanks for supporting my rights.
I will buy some today while carrying my gun.
--Thanks for supporting my rights.
Creepy Robots are Creepy
After watching this video I realized that I have to spend way more time skeet shooting.
Killer robots are starting to look very Cyberdyne.
--I wonder what the air time is on these.
Killer robots are starting to look very Cyberdyne.
--I wonder what the air time is on these.
Quotes of the Week
"Diversification: If you have all of your wealth in your 401(k), you're in trouble. If you have all of your wealth in Gold, you're in trouble. If you have all of your wealth in Lead, Brass, and Steel...well, you're probably OK. You need to diversify..."
--Glenn Beck
"It has been my philosophy of life that difficulties vanish when faced boldly."
- Isaac Asimov
"You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself"
--Jim Rohn
Firearm Insurance
I receive emails and junk mail from the NRA every few months regarding additional insurance for my firearms.
I already have an additional rider policy for my guns.
My sister had a fire that ended up destroying her husbands guns. He lost a Marlin 30-30 and a Mossberg 500 12ga. They encouraged me to do an insurance audit.
I was very surprised to discover that firearms were covered specifically to only $2500. I needed way more than that. I called my insurance provider and got a rider. While talking with them on the phone they also encouraged me to take photos of each gun and record the serial numbers and store it all in a safe deposit box. All good advice.
--Don't forget to keep a list of ammo and accessories. It adds up!
I already have an additional rider policy for my guns.
My sister had a fire that ended up destroying her husbands guns. He lost a Marlin 30-30 and a Mossberg 500 12ga. They encouraged me to do an insurance audit.
I was very surprised to discover that firearms were covered specifically to only $2500. I needed way more than that. I called my insurance provider and got a rider. While talking with them on the phone they also encouraged me to take photos of each gun and record the serial numbers and store it all in a safe deposit box. All good advice.
--Don't forget to keep a list of ammo and accessories. It adds up!
Va. House passes repeal of 18-year-old one-gun-a-month bill
RICHMOND, Va. — A law Virginia passed a generation ago to end the states’ reputation as a haven for gun runners is on the verge of being repealed.
On a largely party-line vote, the House passed Wednesday with a 66-32 vote the measure to end the law that limits handgun purchases to one a month. The Senate prepares to follow suit.
They were among several pro-gun bills winding their way through a gun-friendly General Assembly under total Republican dominance this year for the first time since 2001.
--I Love Virginia.
First Rifle
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Ruger Mini-14 with Tapco Stock |
The first rifle I ever owned was a Ruger Mini-14. I bought the thing in the late 1980s. It was the third firearm in my collection rounding out my first three gun system (handgun, shotgun, rifle).
Over the years the rifle has seen many upgrades in stocks and sights. The main system has remained a workhorse. I have burned a ton of ammo through this guy. I even bought another one 20 years later.
--The first rifle I even shot was my dad's .22LR. I will post on that later.
I read a lot for fun. Mostly Sci-fi or Mysteries. I really enjoy sharing the books with the wife.
I hate it when the author make huge mistakes involving firearms.
Most recently a books hero had bought a revolver on the street and the hard boiled cop told him to make sure he "switch on the safety" before he put it in his belt.
By the way, you cannot buy a modern, fully automatic, sub machine gun, with a silencer, at a gun store and walk out with it. Silencers are not completely silent. A shotgun blast will not make a grown man fly backwards six feet. A .44 mag will not blow a head clean off. An Uzi is empty in 1.5 seconds of continuous full auto fire. Recoil will not send a small shooter flying, even a small woman. You don't hear a hammer get manually back on a Glock 9mm. The slide locks open on a Glock when you are empty, no click, click on empty chambers.
--Writers, please do the research.
I hate it when the author make huge mistakes involving firearms.
Most recently a books hero had bought a revolver on the street and the hard boiled cop told him to make sure he "switch on the safety" before he put it in his belt.
By the way, you cannot buy a modern, fully automatic, sub machine gun, with a silencer, at a gun store and walk out with it. Silencers are not completely silent. A shotgun blast will not make a grown man fly backwards six feet. A .44 mag will not blow a head clean off. An Uzi is empty in 1.5 seconds of continuous full auto fire. Recoil will not send a small shooter flying, even a small woman. You don't hear a hammer get manually back on a Glock 9mm. The slide locks open on a Glock when you are empty, no click, click on empty chambers.
--Writers, please do the research.
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