Getting Fit

One of the best things you can do to improve your shooting is to get physically fit.

I have lost over a hundred pounds as part of my fitness efforts.

I am amazed how much better holsters feel. My shooting is better and I am happier in general.

--I recommend it!

I Love Scifi Guns

This May Be the Most Accurate Han Solo Blaster Replica Ever Created.

--My birthday's coming up. Just sayin...

Book Signing!

I will be appearing at Great Writers, Right Here 2017 â€“ a local author fair, hosted by the Fauquier County Public Library on Friday, October 13 from 6 – 8 p.m!

Come and visit! Bring coffee and chat! Or just point and laugh!

Great Writers, Right Here will bring together local published authors and readers who will have the opportunity to stroll from table to table and meet the authors. I will share and discuss my work with the community and sign and sell books.

There will be over 40 authors are participating in this celebration of local talent. In response to the increased interest, this year’s event will be held at the Family Life Center, First Baptist Church, 39 Alexandria Pike, Old Town Warrenton. This is located across the street from the Warrenton central library.

When: Friday, October 13, 2017, 6-8 p.m.
Where: Family Life Center, First Baptist Church, 39 Alexandria Pike, Warrenton VA 20186

--Admission is free. Door prizes will be awarded.