2011 NRA Convention Goodness

One of the best things about the NRA Convention is the ability to handle firearms that I may not normally get my hands on. Barrett Firearms had a big boot on the floor. The picture below is one I would buy if I won the Lotto. $11,000 as configured, with suppressor. Why the suppressor on a .50 BMG? Because those thing are damn loud. The suppressor makes it sound like a tiny .308.

They had several models I fondled. They weigh a ton, just as they should. A ton of long range justice.

Go to their website, if you have not already, and check out the wide variety  of firearm configurations.

--One day I shall have one. One day...


Bubblehead Les. said...

And may that day come soon, Brother. May it come soon.

Anonymous said...

Where the hell would you take that to shoot.

JB Miller said...

Where ever I wanted...
