I got a Galco
I have several Galco brand holsters and never had any issues. Until this one.
It is Sooo tight.
The fine print on the package says that it is for a Px4 in .40 and 9mm. I think mine is the fat sister of the two.
To mitigate the fit I will be storing it in the holster and wearing it a lot for the next month. I usually do no store my guns in their holsters. My Dad use to store his guns like that. They corroded them in places. It wasn't bad but obvious. And those holsters were not as tight as this!
-- It's tighter than a ___________________.
Try wrapping the gun in a plastic bag (like a zip-lock) and then storing it in the holster. I have used this to fit some of the leather holsters I have made.
Silicon spray?
Tighter than a nuns pussy on a Sunday morning.
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