Not just their favorite concealed carry pieces, their required daily carry items.
Most gunnies have a bit of a survival instinct in them. Knives, multi-tools, flash lights in addition to wallets were the most common items. I have several multi-tools of various sizes that get selected based on the size and number of pockets I have at the time. (God I love the dorky cargo shorts)
I also carry an Altoids Tin.
Inside the tin is great space for all kinda good handy stuff. Mine has a small first aid kit, Chap Stick, a tiny flash light, a USB thumb drive, Alieve, cash, a credit card multi-tool. I am amazed how often I use the stuff in that thing. In fact I realized as I was setting it out to take this pic that I need to restock the damn thing! Somehow I need to keep a check list inventory.
--I'll store the checklist on the thumb drive!!

You’re making me feel downright inadequate. All that I usually carry is a gun, reload, knife, wallet, keys, phone and a small flashlight if I can remember it (only half the time):) I do like the altoids tin idea, never occurred to me.
I stole the Altoids tin idea. Just get one and start filling it up. Then it is just one thing to pick up.
I just realized that the small spool of dental floss is gone as well. Dental floss is damn handy string.
And you can floss with it!
spread them multitools around, man.
I actually have multi-tools everywhere, TBolt. In my BOBs, the truck, the house.
These are just selectable.
I've been waiting for this post! I love it!
Also, I want one of those credit card multitools, with the compass - where'd you get it?
Are those..."little blue pills" I see?....in an 'emergency' kit?
Why shoot, a feller could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all the stuff in there."
The Blue Pills are Alieve.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Breda, I got that card multi tool as a give away at work. Has our corp logo on the other side.
The magnifying glass is great. I have actually started fires with it! Ants Beware!
Anon, The tool logic ones look good. Not expensive. Mine just says "Made in China".
Great post! Found it via Breda. I've been meaning to do the same thing and your visually awesome post kicked me in the pants to go do it on my own blog.
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