Fred is a .308 Savage 110FP which is the tactical version of the classic model 110. These are modestly priced but can still give me a 2 inch group at 300 yards and I never considered myself a serious marksman.
I bought a very nice Bausch and Lomb
I have harvested so many deer with this rifle I have lost count. In fact, the very first deer I got, EVER, was with Freds help. That's another story.
My best shot with this rifle was a buck at 457 yards. Far enough away that I could not see the deer with my naked eye.
-- I might upgrade the stock one day. But not today...
It will be the last they come for. Shows how little they know. Cause it is probably the most dangerous.
I have the left-hand heavy barrel version of that rifle. Sometimes I tape quarters to the 100-yard targets and shoot them with that rifle. If I do my part, it never misses. Go, Savage!
Mine is the Bull-Barrel version as well. A real tack driver. Mine is sighted in at 2 inches high at 100 yards. Makes it good out to 500 for deer hunting.
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