A day in the life

Bailey is proofreading my chapter.
Today is looking up to be a good day.

I slept in. All the way to 6:25am!

I slid out of bed and in my favorite red flannel nightshirt and old black bathrobe, I quietly made my way downstairs followed by my faithful cat, Bailey.

I fed him, so he will decided to murder me another day.

I started the coffee and realized I was hungry. There was Bison left overs so by the time my coffee was ready my stomach was digesting Buffalo Meat!

It makes me mighty.

Coffee in hand I sat in my comfy chair and started writing. Bailey of course has t supervise while sitting on my chest. My team of specially trained squirrels were deployed to draw away his attention so I could misuse there, they're and there tomy hearts content.

Later I am having brunch with a group of other authors. There is actually a slight chance we might actually talk about writing!  I am visiting a friend after that and the home to write another chapter followed by dinner and a movie in the home theater.

When Is the next Gun Show?  Maybe we should do a Gun Enthusiast brunch! 

--Life is good.

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