Is this Draught Ending?

Went ammo shopping and came up dry on ammo. The shelves were no longer empty. There were ARs and AKs to be had. Glocks were back as well as a full selection of other items.

I even discovered that Magpul PMags were back in three of my local gunshops.Two of them had a limit of two per customer but another had a metric ton of them and there was no limit.

The prices were not even jacked up. $15.95 each.

--But dammit! Where is all the .22LR?


  1. That's what I need too... sigh

  2. so what you're saying're going to give us directions to the nearest shops the next time we're in your neck of the woods. :)

  3. Sometimes we get some in, I don't .22LR but I look for friends that do. I've been able to periodically find it here in Colorado.

  4. J.B.: Get the PMAGS you want down by you. My Buddy can't get them any cheaper, and Magpul won't open any new Business Accounts yet. Sorry.
