Goblin Deuce

Goblin Deuce
A reader sent me this picture.

I have fired many short shotguns and this one looks like it would be a lot of fun.

I can't imagine the recoil would be too bad, but the blast ball of fire would probably be dramatic.

The biggest problem is I don't think this is real. This is a paint ball gun.

Does anyone know if this is made as an actual shotgun? In any guage?

-I would probably buy one. Short, Impractical, dangerous, powerful, and super fun.


  1. Meh, just about useless... I'll stick with my existing shottys...

  2. Useless, but might be fun to shoot!

  3. Google 'howdah pistol'. I have read in the Double Gun Journal about an example in 470NE that was part of a cased set with a 470NE double rifle for tiger hunting.

    If I had the choice between being mauled by a wounded tiger or firing a .470 Nitro Express in pistol form, I might just choose the tiger!


  4. Perhaps you could get a replica Blunderbus; black powder only but the huge flash and cloud of smoke would probably increase the grin factor by about 500%.
    I believe Umberti do one.
