Gun Porn

Chiappa Rhino
I finally got to shoot a Chiappa Rhino. The big bad ass stainless steel version.

I have to say the feel of the thing is amazing. The recoil with .357mag rounds is a smooth push. It also doesn't ride up. Target re-acquisition seems easier.

It is really difficult to describe. The recoil doesn't kick the gun up so much. It doesn't want to rock your wrist back as much. But it does push the impact all the way straight back. This is all due to the new grip configuration and that the rounds fire from the BOTTOM of the drum.

This model is the big ugly scary looking world of hurt. It's ready for add on items, like optics or a bayonet!

I really need to try the small compact version. That could very easily be an IWB carry piece.

--It needs a picatinny Zombie killin spike!


  1. I tried dryfiring one at the NRA annual meeting this spring, and while it's interesting, the trigger was ugly to say the least. What did you think?

  2. Concur with DB, that trigger was UGLY (even uglier than the gun)!

  3. The trigger on this one was not bad. But I have some suck ass triggers...

  4. Sooo... is that a point FOR or against JB? :-)

  5. In all the trigger was fine. Not butter, not sandy. It was fine.

  6. That's good, because every Chiappa I've touched had the trigger from hell!
