Random Thought Thursday

My 18 year old son got into his first fender bender yesterday.

It was not a big deal except for my insurance rate.. Very little damage to the car he rear ended. Cops came and didn't even give him a ticket.

The front of the 1999 Subaru  was all plastic and its all busted up now.

The worse thing that happened was that the hood latch was damaged and gave way on the way home after. The hood flew up and cracked the wind shield.

Lots of lessons learned.

I had plans for a post about the joys of bayonets and upgraded AR15 grips but I am just not feeling it. So here is the pic I was going to use. Note the nice grip, 40 round mag and bayonet.

Zombies, blah blah blah...

--I need some more coffee. Need coffee bad...


  1. All is good the Gray Man need a new ride any way! A good reason to go to the range!

  2. I do not think this location of the gas block works with the bayonet, possibly you need to move away from the middy look or get a 1903 length bayonet.
