Friday Random Thoughts

I am going camping this weekend again. I love camping in the fall.

We will also be doing some skeet shooting. I will probably take my mag fed Saiga 12ga just for fun.

I will be going with my brother to look at a sailboat he is thinking of buying. I mention it because because the marina is in southern MD. I will go unarmed, dammit.

I decided this week that I am going to attend the Pumpkin Chunkin event this year the weekend of Oct 24-26. It should be big stupid fun with catapults and canons with pumpkin projectiles. Let me know if you want to go!

Got my camper back from the shop. Will give it a shake down this weekend!

--Enjoy your Friday!!


  1. I'd love to go, but I don't get back from OCONUS till the 25th... sigh

  2. Is the punkin chunkin cancelled this year? The webiste says "Punkin Chunkin postponed to Nov. 6-8, 2015"
