This is Worth Supporting

Money talks.

I spend a lot of cash every year on the Internet. I have a wide variety of places to shop. Sean of at his NC Gun Blog is keeping a list companies that will  not be selling firearms to State and local governments that could not also be sold to the residents of that State.I received an email this morning from Cheaper Than Dirt stating that they have also adopted this policy.

In a climate like this, where sales are booming, I like to support companies that put my Rights first.

From NC Gun Blog:

"Rue got the ball rolling with their announcement that they would not be selling firearms to State and local governments that could not also be sold to the residents of that State. With Olympic Arms refusing to sell anything at all to any government agency in New York, I think we have the makings of a large-scale boycott."

He’ll be using this page to keep track of the companies that announce similar bans, along with links to the press releases. Here is the list as of today:

If you would like Sean to add your company to this list please send him email at Use the subject line “New York Boycott”


  1. A couple of those firms are really small Mom and Pops, with maybe 4-5 Employees. Telling States like New York can be really hurtful to them paying the bills. So if you live in a Free State, and they have what you need, please shop with them.

    Oh, for the History Buffs out there: Looks like the concept of "...pledging our Lives, our FORTUNES and our Sacred Honor" still is alive and well in the Republic.

  2. Thanks for the link. Anything you or your readers can do to convince the big boys to jump in on this boycott is appreciated.

    GRNC is running an email campaign directed at the three companies that supply the NYPD with their service pistols.

    Make Nanny Bloomberg cry!

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