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Breda and the Bretta CX4 Storm .40
T-Bolt called my CX4 Storm With it's EOTech sight the "Belle of the Ball" of the Northcoast Blogshoot II, or was he talking about Breda? 

There was a 10 inch gong on the range and I loved to ring it with a 2 round per second pace.

Clay pigeons on the berm at 50 yards made for excellent targets. I brought 300 rounds of .40 and they were gone in no time on the first day. I had to make a Walmart run the next day and pick up another 100 rounds!

--Zombies beware! Just wait until it's suppressed!


  1. Do not want to end up on the wrong end of that photo.

  2. Breda looks focused and angry. Watch out!

  3. And here I was hoping for a visual of the approaching Zombies!

    Unlike Vampires, Zombies can be seen in pictures, or mirrors.

  4. Seen this yet?
