The only ways they could propose to take our guns would be if they legislated law to ban them and legally force those of us who would be willing to remain law abiding to give them up OR to take them by force (and how would they do that without the armed thugs of a tyrannical government doing it). Fucking arsehats. I made the mistake of registering one so called assault rifle under the NY SAFE Act but I kind of doubt I would be willing to do it again such as when they try to make any other of my firearms into assault rifles and let's face it that is coming soon.
Step up and try your luck.
Heh... Bring it...
The only ways they could propose to take our guns would be if they legislated law to ban them and legally force those of us who would be willing to remain law abiding to give them up OR to take them by force (and how would they do that without the armed thugs of a tyrannical government doing it). Fucking arsehats. I made the mistake of registering one so called assault rifle under the NY SAFE Act but I kind of doubt I would be willing to do it again such as when they try to make any other of my firearms into assault rifles and let's face it that is coming soon.
One thing at a time sweetie! First all the bullets!
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