Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt has always been around guns. I saw this article on FOX.

“There’s a rite of passage where I grew up of inheriting your ancestors’ weapons,” said 50-year-old Pitt, according to the Independent. “My brother got my dad’s. I got my grandfather’s shotgun when I was in kindergarten.”

This is the same in my family. I have my fathers shotgun and a revolver. One day my son will have them.

I usually hate it when actors weigh in regarding guns. It is usually with a large dose of hypocrisy. Not Brad Pitt though. I will have to go out and watch one of his movies tonight!

-- I am way behind on movie watching.


  1. ...wait, Pitt is 50??!? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?

    he must be a vampire like Keanu.

  2. Brad's latest WWII movie "Fury" looks awesome!
