Gun Control Capital

At this writing, the evening of August 14th, 21 people have been shot in DC in the last six days.

By the time you read this it may be more.

But that's not possible. Guns are illegal there. You can't carry them there. And you know what else, it's illegal to shoot people too!

In other news, the world seems to have noticed the militarization of law enforcement. They noticed that the Dept of Agriculture, Education, Taxation, Energy and more all somehow now have armies.  Small towns have SWAT teams and armored assault vehicles. Oh and God forbid that citizens have body armor.

I should have stayed on vacation.

--By the way, DC is only 68 square miles. (Thanks, Stretch!)


  1. Yep... Same in Chicago, New York and Baltimore...

  2. Um? Hold on ...
    Ah, got it.
    DC covers 68.3 square miles.

    Sorry, as a 7th generation Washingtonian I'm a bit pedantic about my ancestral home.

  3. GUNS don't kill people, Politicans DO

  4. Looks like a patrol in Iraq.Bunch of wannabes.
