Gun Free Zone

Last night the Church I have attended voted to become a Gun Free Zone.

Also known as a, Miller Free Zone.

I have been a member there for over 20 years. Intolerance and political bigotry has become acceptable behavior there in recent years.

I had made my views clear to the congregation, minister and the board of directors. It's easy to leave with my children grown and my wife of the same exact opinion as me.

In an ironic turn of events, I suddenly have thousands of dollar freed up in my budget that will now go to the 2nd Amendment Foundation and a Lifetime Membership to the NRA.

--More time for coffee and bacon on Sundays...


  1. Who ELSE isn't welcome there? What other civil rights is the church against? Or do they just suss that part out by having seperate drinking fountains?

  2. My church's pastor is a Major in the Army Reserves.

    Not only does he know I carry, we've talked concealed carry guns multiple times. I don't think he carries at church, and that's fine (it's his business), but not once has he even hinted that he doesn't want me to.

    Since our congregation is full of retired military, I suspect a LOT of folks are toting iron to church. ;)

  3. In my state all churches and areas of worship are GFZ by definition unless you have prior permission.

    We keep trying to change that, but our pollster governor wont sign it "for the children"

  4. Does kinda put it in perspective... :-)

  5. Most of our Elders and deacons carry at our church. We know that people who do not know the LORD hate the LORD and his people. Therefore, we carry and are ready to protect the congregation from wrongdoers.

  6. That's pretty sad. Presumably, the argument came up as to what will/should the congregation do in the event an armed intruder decides to wreak havoc on them during a service? I'd be interested to know what they think they'd do?
