Starting off 2014

So yet another year begins.

Having just looked back at 2013 I can't help but look forward to what I will be up to in 2014.

So far I already have plans on the calender. I will go to the NRA convention this year again. I will go to a few more big gun shows. I will attend a few Blogshoots or Blogmeet dinners. I will go to the range a dozen or more times. Spend some quality time with my wife and kids there. Maybe even an Appleseed evet or two,

I am also going to thin out my crowded safe. I will be selling some things on VA Gun Trader. I will probably buy a few things there as well. It's a great site if you are a VA resident.

I will do projects. I want to do a few builds. Figure out how to make my various triggers better. I want to do a light AR rig, a nice bolt action, maybe another 10/22.

--Here's to hoping everyone has a great year!

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