Buffalo Wild Wings Hates Guns

Buffalo Wild Wings will never get any more of my money.

I will also be writing to the local ones and letting them know that not only will I never go there again but that I will be telling everyone I know to avoid them as well.

They currently have the right to deny me my fundamental right to self defense. But I also have the right to deny them my business.

I hope your Gun Free Zone does not turn out to be a crime magnet. I will never be there in any event.

--Screw em!


  1. There are 3 or 4 of em in my area and I don't know about all of em but the one we go to most of the time has no signs on it at all.

  2. I never go there, anyway. I don't get out much. Same with Starbucks. I brew better coffee at home.

  3. Thanks for the heads-up. I was going to try them out however now it will not be necessary!

  4. They have rightfully been on the blacklist for years. Nothing new here. VCDL and Opercarry.org have publicized their stance many times.

  5. Seems to me that a guy with time on his hands could hang out in front of the store. If he was wearing a t-shirt, it could say something like, "Shop in safety - this armed citizen will keep you safe"

    Sandwich board, anyone?
