I'm back

I hope to begin regular posts again tomorrow. I hear there was another failure of Gun Free Zones and a massive suck and fail of the media again. I missed a great Blogger Shoot. Pile of other stuff.

Just want to let both of my readers know.

--I Lived.


  1. Gee when you left it was high summer, and now it's fall already.
    You have a lot of catching up to do.

  2. Yes, you did. Miss a good blogger-shoot, that is.
    Not as many people as last time, but no stink-bugs to infest cars either.
    And a .50 cal Barrett. That was the piece-de-resistance

  3. Welcome back. We missed you. Now post stuff, dammit.

  4. There's a black powder shoot coming up quick if you're sufficiently healed... Plus I hear some yankee jerk is headed down your way... ;)

  5. FREE ICE CREAM, FREE ICE CREAM, FREE ICE CREAM. On the other hand, I didn't know it was in jail.
